6 Movie Posters About Your Life as a B2B Marketer

If someone made a movie about your career, what kind of movie would it be? Our creative team wanted to venture a guess, so we created six movie posters to chronicle the ups and downs of life in the world of B2B.
If someone made a movie about your career, what kind of movie would it be? Our creative team wanted to venture a guess, so we created six movie posters to chronicle the ups and downs of life in the world of B2B. Perhaps one of these sounds like the kind of week you’re having…
1. The Psychological Thriller
Customer insight doesn’t have to be a horror story. After all, the unknown persona is always the scariest.
2. The Oscar-Bait Biopic
When the strategy is solid and the ROI rolls in, it’s okay to imagine your life as an inspiring political drama. You’ve earned it.
3. The Rom-Com
B2B has feelings, too. That’s why we dreamed up a romantic comedy about a creative marketer, a corporate lawyer and those unpredictable laws of the heart.
4. The Disaster Comedy
What would be more comically disastrous than a trade show where nothing goes as planned?
5. The Dystopian Drama
Indeed, today’s buying process can sometimes feel like a knock-down, drag-out game of survival.
6. The Sci-Fi Epic
Every day, B2B products change the world in more ways than anyone can count. So, our final B2B movie poster imagines the breathtaking epic that every B2B innovation deserves.
Godfrey Team
Godfrey helps complex B2B industries tell their stories in ways that delight their customers.