
Let’s Talk Public Relations: A Chat With B2B PR Pro Melissa Einfrank

Publish date: Apr 19, 2021 | Listening time: 46 minutes

Making connections. Building relationships. Sharing helpful expertise. Public relations professionals work hard to become trusted resources. Godfrey’s Senior Public Relations Manager Melissa Einfrank shares her insights on the latest hot topics in public relations — from influencer relations to employee advocacy to reputation management and more.

Join us as Melissa chats with VP, Creative Scott Trobaugh about:

  • What exactly is public relations?
  • How would you describe influencer relations? Who is an influencer and/or a micro-influencer? How do you find them?
  • What are you hearing from trade editors — how do they like to receive information?
  • What are steps B2B marketers can take to build out employee advocacy as part of their PR portfolio?
  • How does social media tie in with public relations?
  • What do you recommend to companies for reputation management?
  • How have companies been compensating for not being able to be in-person because of the pandemic?
  • How have PR tactics shifted as events turned virtual?

Additional resources:

To read more about influencer relations, check out “Influencers: Don’t Try Marketing to Complex Industries Without Them” from PR Director Steve Graham.

To learn more about the trade editor survey: Unprecedented Times Take Toll on Trade Journalists.

To view the video of this episode, check it out on our YouTube Channel.

Melissa Einfrank - Director of Public Relations

With around 20 years of combined B2B and B2C public relations experience, Melissa has walked both red carpets and factory floors and worn both sunglasses and safety glasses in pursuit of excellence for her clients.