The most valuable vendors are those that go beyond delivery of their products and services by earning a position as a trusted advisor and partner. Godfrey is an example of a most valuable vendor. Godfrey works diligently to understand my business needs, seeking ways to be a force multiplier. Simply put, Godfrey helps me get more done, more efficiently and more effectively. From strategy development to marketing deliverables, Godfrey helps accelerate and enhance the value of my marketing efforts.
Rob Tanner
Godfrey is exceptional at balancing both the work and everyone involved. On a recent web project, Godfrey coordinated with multiple entities within our company to get the project done, and the team made it look easy. Godfrey's agility, speed, thoroughness and support helped complete the project on time and within budget, earning positive reviews from across the company.
Dan Brennan
You can't do it all by yourself. You have to align yourself with a strong organization like Godfrey who has the horsepower to help you get the job done, get it done in a timely manner and help you and provide the guidance that you need.
Heath Frye
Godfrey has solid relationships with the trade media editors in all our key industries, and the resulting PR programs help us communicate the right messages to our target audiences.
Lisa Tryson
One thing that my team really appreciates about working with Godfrey is how thorough their team is. Throughout a variety of projects, Godfrey alerts us to issues we wouldn't have noticed or considered on our own. That kind of support makes managing the many facets of a project much smoother and more effective.
Christine Batycki
Since the JCI Fire Suppression business first began working with Godfrey, their team has always gone the extra mile to understand our business and products. Through our years of working together, Godfrey has continued that commitment to becoming a natural extension of our team, no matter how big or small a project might be.