Godfrey Ranked in the Top 10 B2B Marketing Agencies

B2B Marketing ranked Godfrey 10th in its list of the top U.S. B2B marcomms agencies, a spot higher than last year. This list appears in the 2019 edition of the annual U.S. Agencies Benchmarking Report. The report provides a clear, intimate look at the ever-transforming B2B agency landscape. Its highlights, which include select agency profiles, trends, forecasting and in-depth analysis, reveal the range of these diverse agencies.
In addition to the list, Godfrey makes two other key appearances. Our VP of Business Development Josh Albert guides clients in an agency commentary column on how to select a compatible agency. The second appearance, our agency profile, communicates how much we love marketing our clients’ complex industries (more than any other agency in the world) and how we translate that passion into success for them.
"To be included on this notable report again and rank even higher than last year is really exciting,” Godfrey President Stacy Whisel said. “It’s a testament to our strong client relationships, the world-changing work our clients do and the talents of our committed team."
The benchmarking report is a significant industry resource for marketing professionals, client- and agency-side alike. It makes the strengths and specialties of each agency transparent and gives a big-picture view of the industry. Explore the full report here.