Project Lead The Way

Our client work connects us to engineers nearly every day. So it’s especially exciting to help out the next generation of B2B innovators. Starting this Spring, a local middle school will benefit from our agency’s recent donation to Project Lead The Way (PLTW).
Manheim Central Middle School (Manheim, PA) was named the recipient of our grant gift and will be adding the PLTW Launch program to their fifth grade curriculum. The nonprofit organization provides a transformative learning experience for K-12 students and teachers across the U.S. Currently, the Manheim Central school district offers PLTW Gateway for middle school students and PLTW Engineering for high school students. The addition of PLTW Launch will allow the district to engage students at an earlier age.
“In the midst of Engineer’s Week 2016, we’re excited to announce that Godfrey’s gift to Project Lead The Way is enhancing youth science, technology, engineering and math programs in our very own community,” said Stacy Whisel, Godfrey President. “These skills are vitally important to our client companies across diverse and global markets.”
More than 8,000 elementary, middle and high schools in all 50 states and the District of Columbia offer PLTW programs. We’re excited to help add one more to that list!