Godfrey Celebrates 70th Anniversary

Godfrey recently recognized seven decades of great work with a 70th anniversary celebration featuring presentations by past agency leaders.
A large wall display showed breakthrough marketing campaigns the agency had created for clients through the decades. And former agency presidents Dennis Cox, Valerie Moul and Chuck Manners reviewed the memorable moments that had defined the agency’s history and culture. Especially, a key decision forty years ago.
Godfrey began to focus on B2B marketing in 1977, evolving its services to meet the needs and expectations of highly technical manufacturers and their customers. Today, our clients represent a variety of markets that includes chemicals, commercial building products, construction and factory automation. Founded in 1947 by Tom Godfrey, the company today employs 87 people.
Addressing the group, current Godfrey president Stacy Whisel thanked everyone for their contribution to Godfrey’s continued success.
“The past 70 years have been marked by physical moves in and around Lancaster, changes in leadership and a growing team of talented individuals who help to make Godfrey 70 years strong on a daily basis,” she said. “We are excited to celebrate the great work we’ve done and the successes that shaped the last seven decades and look forward to those that will define our future.”
In addition to hors d'oeuvres and special B2B-themed drinks, the past leaders, employees and long-term vendor partners had the chance to view a variety of exhibits located throughout the agency. A 70-year timeline showed what was happening at the agency, plotted alongside current events. And there was also a demonstration of past technologies, including those in use before desktop publishing.