B2B Marketing Experts Present At CFE Media Event

Two Godfrey experts presented original research to 200 B2B marketers at this week’s Marketing to Engineers event, sponsored by CFE Media in Chicago.
Alison Fetterman, account group manager, and Jennifer Leigh Brown, executive planning director, delivered a presentation entitled “A New Class of Buyers for Industry 4.0.”
One of their key recommendations was that B2B marketers who are selling components or systems to manufacturers must now include information technology (IT) directors and chief information officers (CIOs) because of the growing importance of Industry 4.0 and the Internet of Things.
The study, commissioned by Godfrey but conducted by partner AMG Research, surveyed 70 buying influencers, mostly in IT. It found that IT personnel have both the corporate authority and the resources to change the buying process for industrial components and systems.
The presentation also compared the information needs and preferences of these new IT buyers to those of the more traditional engineering audiences industrial marketers normally target. Alison and Jennifer outlined important steps marketers should consider in reaching this new audience.
For more information visit our Marketing to Engineers event page.